Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Agenda Item 35
Subject: Sussex Integrated Care Strategy
Date of meeting: 25 January 2023
Report of: Executive Director, Governance, People & Resources
Contact Officer: Name: Giles Rossington
Tel: 01273 295514
Ward(s) affected: All
Glossary of Terms |
· Integrated Care System – regional partnership of NHS bodies, local authorities and other stakeholders (Healthwatch, CVS etc.) responsible for planning and delivering health and care services. In Sussex this is Sussex Health & Care. · Integrated Care Board (ICB) – NHS body responsible for NHS commissioning and other executive functions. In Sussex the ICB is NHS Sussex. · Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) – joint committee of the ICB and upper-tier local authorities responsible for agreeing a high level Strategy for the Integrated Care System. In Sussex the ICP is the Sussex Health & Care Assembly. · Health & Wellbeing Board (HWB) – strategic partnership of local authority, NHS bodies, CVS etc. · Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS) – local high-level health and wellbeing improvement strategy, agreed and overseen by HWBs. · Joint Forward Plan (JFP) –integrated care boards (ICBs) and their partner NHS trusts and foundation trusts are required to develop their first 5-year joint forward plans (JFPs) with system partners. The plan itself must describe how the ICB proposes to implement relevant JLHWSs.
1.1 This report presents the recently agreed Sussex Integrated Care Strategy to the HOSC for information.
1.2 A copy of the Integrated Care Strategy is included as Appendix 1 to this report. An engagement report is also included as Appendix 2, and slides on plans to implement the Strategy as Appendix 3.
2.1 That Committee notes the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy (Appendix 1) and the engagement underpinning the development of the Strategy (Appendix 2)
Integrated Care Systems
3.1 The Health & Care Act (2022) introduced a new system for the planning and delivery of health and care services in England. Under the new arrangements, NHS bodies come together with local authorities and other partners to coordinate services as an Integrated Care System. Integrated Care Systems operate at both regional (system) and local (place) levels. There are 42 Systems nationally. Locally, the system is Sussex, with three places: East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton & Hove.
3.2 Each Integrated Care System is required to have an Integrated Care Board (ICB) and an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). The ICB is responsible for executive NHS functions, including the commissioning responsibilities previously undertaken by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). The ICP is a partnership of the ICB, upper-tier local authorities and other stakeholders, and is responsible for setting the high-level direction of the System via its Integrated Care Strategy.
3.3 For Sussex, the Integrated Care System is called Sussex Health & Care; the ICB is called NHS Sussex; and the ICP is called the Sussex Health & Care Assembly.
3.4 The Sussex Health & Care Assembly (SHCA) includes representatives from NHS Sussex; from East Sussex County Council, West Sussex County Council and Brighton & Hove City Council (the Chairs of each Council’s Health & Wellbeing Board); and from stakeholders including Healthwatch, Community & Voluntary Sector organisations, universities and housing providers. The main function of the SHCA is to agree, and to oversee the implementation of, an Integrated Care Strategy for Sussex. The SHCA agreed an Integrated Care Strategy at the 14 December 2022 Assembly meeting.
Integrated Care Strategies, Health & Wellbeing Boards and HOSCs
3.5 The 2022 Health & Care Act requires that Integrated Care Strategies be developed from Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategies (JLHWS), the local high-level health and wellbeing improvement plans developed and owned by HWBs. Guidance states that HWBs should be involved in the formation of Integrated Care Strategies, and specifically be assured that the Integrated Care Strategy reflects local priorities identified in the JLHWS.
3.6 The Act also requires ICBs and their partner NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts to publish annual Joint Forward Plans (JFP). JFPs must deliver the priorities identified by the Integrated Care Strategy (and by Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategies). HWBs must be involved in the development of JFPs, including reviewing the draft JFP. HWBs are specifically tasked with assessing the degree to which the JFP takes proper account of the JLHWS.
3.7 Statutory guidance on the role of HOSC in the new health and care system is anticipated but has not yet been published. In the interim, the Department of Health & Social Care, the Local Government Association, and the Centre for Governance & Scrutiny published Health Overview & Scrutiny Principles in July 2022:
3.8 This guidance is not particularly specific, but does suggest that local HOSCs should work together with the ICB and with HWBs to develop a shared understanding of the role of health scrutiny at both a system and place level.
3.9 The Sussex Integrated Care Strategy (Improving Lives Together) was agreed by the SHCA in December 2022. The Strategy identifies four priority areas for improvement at a system level:
· Joined-up community working
· Growing and supporting our workforce
· Improving the use of digital technology and information
· Maximizing the power of partnerships.
3.10 The Strategy also identifies priorities for each of the three Sussex places. For Brighton & Hove these are:
· Children & young people
· Mental Health
· Multiple Compound Needs (e.g. a combination of homelessness/rough sleeping, contact with the criminal justice system, substance misuse, mental health problems)
· Multiple Long Term Conditions (e.g. diabetes, COPD, heart problems)
· Cancer.
4.1 Not relevant to this report for information.
5.1 None directly for this report. However members may wish to note that extensive engagement with the public and with stakeholder organisations was used in the development of the Integrated Care Strategy. Details of this are included as Appendix 2 to this report.
6.1 The committee is asked to note the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy.
7.1 Not relevant to this information report.
8.1 There are no legal implications to this report.
Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date consulted 03/01/23
9.1 None directly to this report for information.
10.1 None directly to this report for information. Members may wish to explore the degree to which improving environmental sustainability and reducing carbon emissions will be a priority for the Integrated Care System, particularly given the fact that many system partners have organisational commitments to reduce emissions etc.
Supporting Documentation
1. The Sussex Integrated Care Strategy
2. Sussex Integrated Care Strategy Engagement Report
3. Slides on plans to implement the Integrated Care Strategy